Monday, April 15, 2013 Founder Julia Indichova Presents Free Webinar “Unexplained ... - eReleases (press release)

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WOODSTOCK, N.Y., March 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – On Wednesday, March 20 at 8:30 p.m. EDT, founder/author Julia Indichova will facilitate a free webinar/teleconference focused on overcoming fertility related challenges, commonly referred to as unexplained infertility. Participants are welcome to register for the call through the events page of Fertile Heart

Unexplained infertility is a particularly frustrating diagnosis for the women and couples wrestling with infertility, since it implies that the fertility specialist treating the patient doesn’t know why they can’t conceive. If the doctor has no answers, where can they look for help?

The most common mainstream medical approach to unexplained infertility is to administer Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). The use of Clomid is often accompanied with intrauterine inseminations and if no pregnancy occurs, the couple will be advised to move on to in vitro fertilization for as many as 6 menstrual cycles.

“What I repeatedly see in my practice,” says Indichova, “is that these commonly used ovulation inducing fertility drugs not only don’t address the possible underlying causes of infertility, they can disrupt hormonal balance and mute the body’s call for attention.

“As I see it, unexplained infertility simply means that whatever it is that blocks conception or a full term pregnancy has not yet manifested in the body in a way that can be detected by current standard testing. That, to me, is good news. The fertility challenged patient might be given a once in a lifetime opportunity to repair latent depletion on a physical and emotional level which, if ignored, might lead to much more serious health issues later in life.”

Indichova encourages basic infertility testing such as a hormonal panel, endometrial biopsy, hysterosalpinogram, post coital test, and semen analysis, as an important part of the diagnostic process. In addition to the basic infertility work-up, she advocates women and couples would be wise to educate themselves about the commonly omitted tests such as thyroid function, blood levels of vitamin D and other nutrients and heavy metal toxicity, all of which have been linked to hormonal issues and failed fertility treatments.

Achieving a full term pregnancy, whether you are told you have unexplained infertility or explained infertility caused by so called “advanced maternal age,” PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, or poor morphology — is still one of the challenges where certainty eludes even the best and the brightest. More than three decades after Dr. Edwards’ historic IVF birth announcement and millions of dollars spent on research, the chance of a healthy baby after treatment, remains low: 28.2% for women under 35, falling to 10.6% for women 40- 42.

The Indichova-Baum-Ovum-Work (I-BOW) fertility enhancing program, which emerged through Julia Indichova’s own infertility journey and consequent research and counseling, empowers women and men to assess a broad range of factors that affect fertility. The program’s carefully crafted mind body tools help identify obstacles linked to lifestyle, diet, environment and emotional conflicts, supporting participants in fully engaging in their own healing.

Chef Edward Baum, a Culinary Institute of America graduate, co-founder of Fertile Heart and Julia’s husband created the fertility-friendly recipes that are part of the I-BOW approach to reproductive wellness.

The program has been endorsed by leading fertility specialists and integrative health practitioners. Marc Goldstein M.D., F.A.C.S. Surgeon-in-Chief at Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine and author of The Couples Guide to Fertility calls the program “a most valuable resource and guide to the intangibles that surely contribute to difficulty in conceiving.”

Participants in the March 20 “Unexplained Infertility: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” webinar are welcome to email Fertile Heart at Email with questions prior to the call.

Julia Indichova is the author of The Fertile Female: How the Power of Longing for a Child Can Save Your Life and Change the World (Adell Press, 2007)  Inconceivable  (Three Rivers Press 2001) and the What to Expect from a Fertility Expert e-book (Adell Press 2013)  The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Program  emerged through a decade and a half of counseling. Indichova’s work has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America and other outlets. For more information on workshops and support resources, visit

Contact: Fern Marcya Edison

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